First Things First
Before you get all excited to hammer away or spend a dime on materials, you might need to ask what type of greenhouse are you exactly building? Before you get all excited to get to work, you may need to consider these few things:
Who are you? Are you a serious grower? A hobbyist? What type of plants do you wish to grow?
Answers to this questions would certainly determine the type of greenhouse you need to be building.
A lean-to, build it yourself greenhouses may be the best option for some hobbyist. On the other hand, if you are a serious grower, and planning to grow a wide variety of plants, then, a free standing structure may best suit your needs.
Another thing to consider is your carpentry skill. If you are fairly adept at carpentry then, you may be comfortable with one of those intricate free standing designs mostly made of wood or metal type of greenhouse. However, if your skills are down the notch, so to speak, PVC or a mix of PVC and wood may be the best option as there's less need for carpentry using this materials.
Another thing you should keep in mind with build it yourself greenhouses is time. Just how much of the building process can you put up with? For most people, the one thing that mostly keeps them from building their own greenhouses, is time constraints and that is a very valid concern, indeed.
Lastly, the design and blueprint of the greenhouse must be on par with what you wanted and what you are capable of building. Sure, there are many blueprints out there but there is more to the design of a greenhouse than mere aesthetic purposes.
For example, ventilation, lighting and irrigation goes into the planning of a greenhouse design. More so for free structure greenhouses. The location, number and size of vents should be designed in a way that allows effective air turn over.
There are other things to consider (ie size, location of the structure) for a build it yourself greenhouses though, we've just about covered the basics.
Not exactly sure what designs are suitable for a build it yourself greenhouses? You may go over many build it yourself greenhouses designs to help you choose: Greenhouse Blueprints. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sasha_Summers | |
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